Heaven Now Has Cellular Service

IMG_2605My dead father called me this weekend. Yes, my dead father called me on my cell phone this weekend. He called my cell phone Saturday evening at exactly 7:01 PM.

Wait, what?

This is the part where some readers throw their hands up and say, “This poor woman has obviously lost her marbles while grieving her Dad.” Before you write me off, I have proof that my Dad called me this weekend.

When someone you love dies you lose pieces of them as time passes. Immediately the daily phone calls stop but little by little their scent fades from clothing, slowly their mail stops, and very, very slowly you stop looking for them in their favorite comfy chair. Gradually you accumulate significant pieces of them that are now gone, and accept that this is your new normal. You have moments when you are overwhelmed with the feeling that they are gone forever. Each new day brings a painful reminder of what was.

When my father was alive I had hope, I made it my mission to find someone who could help him. Someone who could restore his ability to eat again. ANYONE. I refused to accept that he would die yearning to eat. I wanted to believe that he would have just one more meal, one more drink with the family. Watching my father spend the final four years of his life surviving on a peg tube was my own personal hell. Towards the end of my father’s life I had a very difficult time being around an abundance of food; it was a painful reminder of what was taken from my Dad. I wanted my father’s ability to eat restored more than anything in the world. I prayed harder than I ever prayed, I begged and I searched the internet to find “the one.” I did all the things a good Catholic girl does when she prays for something, including not walking on sidewalk cracks. Sadly, I never found “the one” and my father died unable to eat or drink. This is something that has burned a hole in my heart and haunts me. I find myself lying awake at night thinking, “Why my father.”

This weekend was the six month anniversary of my Dad’s passing. I am amazed how six months can fly by, yet feel like an eternity. As the weekend progressed my anxiety began to build. The pain in my chest suddenly overpowering. The tears unstoppable. I found myself standing in my bathroom holding onto the counter while navigating the ebb and sorrow of my grief. I asked my father for a sign. Actually, I begged him for a sign, anything just please let me know you are eating again.

I asked for this sign, knowing full well that my Dad has been showing me signs since the moment he passed. He sends me beautiful fluffy white feathers, he speaks to me through music, he has blown out a few dozen light bulbs. He is constantly sending me signs. But like most humans, I’m greedy and I want solid confirmation that he is eating again. I really don’t know what I expected. Suddenly I was having a stare down with the bathroom light. I strangely resembled “Firestarter” staring into the light, like I expected it to blow up or something.

And then it happened.

My cell phone began to ring.

At first I was annoyed because I was preoccupied staring at the bathroom light waiting for my sign.  When I realized the light won our staring contest, I looked at my phone and then my IPAD (they are in synch)and saw “Dad.” I did what any “normal” human would do, I froze. I wasn’t afraid, I was shocked. I stared at the screen wide-eyed in disbelief. Right before my eyes were the letters “D-A-D” followed by his picture. I fumbled and quickly took a screenshot, because let’s be real no one is going to believe that my Dad has wireless service in heaven. I mean I can barely get service in my local grocery store, so this is amazing.

When I pressed accept he didn’t answer, but I quietly whispered, “I love you more Dad.”

I miss my Dad every single day, especially when the days takes me further and further from the last day I saw him, as I slowly begin to forget the sound of his voice, the sound of his laugh or his scent. Even in death my Dad is still my hero.  He finds ways to remind me that no matter what, he’s still with me, guiding and protecting me.

I love you Dad, this is not good-bye, this is only farewell.

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55 thoughts on “Heaven Now Has Cellular Service

  1. When my grandmother was in the hospital dying of a stroke I was 1500 miles away. I kept calling my dad on his phone in absolute panic, not thinking they were in the hospital. Eventually I started hitting redial. Suddenly a girl answered. I could tell she was a teen. When she answered she said her name was Desiree, which was the name of my cousin who had died a few years prior. I shock I hung up but I will always believe it was her way of letting me know she was there with our grandmother.

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  2. Wowwww…this is amazingly beautiful…my father leaves me little signs as well and it eases my pain for a moment…I lost him 3 months ago very unexpectedly and it’s a heartbreaking deep struggle every single day without him…so these signs are very comforting and thank you for sharing…God bless you 💓

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  3. My dead brother called my mom from her dead cell phone that was in the closet in a purse. She uses his cell phone ever since he passed away 4 years ago. The call was from her cell phone to his cell phone. No one had used her cell phone in 4 years.

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  4. Wow, I have no words. God definitely sees when we are struggling most and does things like this to comfort us. I’m so happy that you got to have this experience! I would love to hear my grandma’s or uncle’s voice again or receive a sign that they are still here. 💖

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  5. About 10 years or so after my Dad died, I was thinking about him on his birthdate. I happened to glance at my cell phone at some point that day, and noticed that I had a missed call from a phone number I didn’t recognize – and they had left me a message. Figuring it was likely a wrong number that had called me, I listened to the message. At first there was nothing but silence and then a male voice said simply “this is your Dad,” and then nothing else. I didn’t call the number back to check, because I didn’t need to. However it happened, I know my Dad had called me from beyond.

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  6. wow that brought tears to my eyes… its been almost 2 years that my dad has been gone i wish i could get just one phone call from him… i would love to here his voice just one last time…

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  7. I lost my Dad 2 years ago after a lengthy illness. I still have moments when I suddenly melt down. I guess I always will. I miss him so much. It took a long time, but now he will show up in my dreams from time to time. He never speaks, just stands off at a distance and smiles at me. He looks so healthy and young. I always head toward him but then I wake up right before I get to him. Just recently, I didn’t wake up…I was able to go up to him and throw my arms around him and he hugged me back. I could feel his arms wrap around me, smell his aftershave, and feel his breath in my hair…then I woke up. I know he’s ok, and I got one more bear hug from my Daddy.

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    • that’s beautiful xo. it’s interesting because I’ve had dreams, and in most of them similar to your dreams I am unable to hug him, but he’s healthy again. Grieving is hard work xo


  8. All things are possible through Christ Jesus. Remember that always. No I do not think that you are crazy. I think the fact of the matter is you are beautifully blessed by God the the father. There is signs and wonders in this world. Death is a beginning not an end remember that to, as a believer you will see your dad again find peace in this also. With love be at peace.

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  9. I lost my Mom 24 years ago Next month and my Dad 24 years ago in Jan. 2017, after they passed away I was going through my answering machine, back when we all had them and they had the little cassettes in them, and on one side was a message from my Mom and on the opposite side in the exact same place was a message from my Dad! To this day I still have that cassette and when I had something to play it on I would listen to it when I was alone and missing them or needed to talk to them and cry like a little baby.

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  10. My dad died from cancer. He couldn’t eat regular good it had to mush. But even harder than that he could talk. He lived 10 years like this. He was my hero for holding on that long because he loved his wife, me and his granddaughter so much. He didn’t want to leave us.
    But his body gave in to the cancer and he left us.
    I hate the pain I feel when I miss him. I want him back and I want him well.
    He deserved more time on earth being well than so sick.
    A lot of times I feel him by me or touch me. That helps a little.

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  11. My aunt was having a particularly hard time one day after her husband had passed away. She was feeling very upset, and couldn’t stop crying. Her cell phone rang, and when she answered it, it was a call from her husband, my Uncle Bob. She said the voice was off in the distance and kind of a staticky connection, but it was definitely him. He said, “Whatcha doin’ kid?” (Something he always said.) “Don’t worry…I’m alright.” She was just glad that her daughter-in-law was there to hear the call too, so people wouldn’t say she imagined it.

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  12. I lost my beautiful son, Shawn Christopher Morris, on Feb 9th 2012 from an automobile accident. I’m so depressed and sad. I cry all the time. I heard that when you see a red cardinal it is a sign from a loved one in heaven. My son had blonde hair. This cardinal stays all the time at our home and it has blonde feathers. I believe this is my son saying he’s OK and don’t be sad. Heaven is beautiful. I hear the word Momma all the time in his voice. He was 26. I feel like I see him at my house sometimes. He left behind 2 beautiful girls. He died in his Jeep Wrangler with a tire cover that has a smiley face with a red white and blue bandana. His girls moved to Florida with their mom. As they driving down the road in Florida a yellow Jeep Wrangler was in front of them with same tire cover. His little daughter said my daddy has one of those. How remarkable is that. Thanks for your time and God Bless You. Diane Morris In Ruckersville VA

    Liked by 1 person

    • Diane, I am so sorry for your loss. It’s true a red cardinal means they are near. That’s a beautiful, comforting sign. I will keep you in my prayers. Thank you for sharing xo


  13. I lost my dad on Dec. 11, 2014. I still cry whenever I think of him. He died of cancer too and it happened less than a month after he was diagnosed. I’m still waiting to dream about him. I dreamed about my mom twice after she passed and it felt great because she let me know that she was in a good place. I miss her too. I hope to dream about my dad soon.

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  14. Hiy lisa, my dad passed away nearly 3 mths ago i have found 6 small feathers in unsual places since he passed away i know this must be a sign. I would have done the same as you in that moment you seen your dads name and pic appear, i am looking for more i know my dad will send them when i least expect it. It is comforting to me and my family knowing he is happy now and not in pain anymore, just as your dad will be.

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    • Hi Jeanette, I love finding my feathers, always like you, in the strangest places. I feel like they are always with us, we just aren’t in tune all the time. Thank you so much for commenting xo Lisa


  15. Lisa,

    In heaven spirits have no need for food and drink, they are pure energy which can not be destroyed. We lost our father just over a year ago and I’ve experienced many of the signs you have, apart from your phone call but when my father was very ill sometimes his mobile would accidently call my landline, he lived in a different county. If you don’t already, ask to be taken to meet him in your dreams – any pain and suffering we have leaves us when we pass on. I have experienced spontaneous healing many times and I would recognise my late husband’s presence anywhere. Archangel Raphael (emerald green colour) is the angel for healing – ask for him to come around you and your family. Sending you distant healing.

    Lots of love and healing,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Susan, Thank you for commenting. I will ask for Archangel Raphael, I didn’t know that. THANK YOU so much 🙂 I’m so sorry for the loss of your Dad xo


  16. Hi Lisa I’m a psychic medium and wow what a beautiful story. I too lost my mom but I was 5 and she is with me and she’s the reason for my gift so I can Feel her everyday. I hope everyone gets to experience what happens to you. We all need it ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Ivana. There are many times where I can feel his strong presence and I know it’s a gift. I have found so many feathers since his passing I keep them in a mason jar by my bed as a reminder that he is at peace. I agree, I really hope others have the same experiences, it is very comforting. Thank you so much for commenting XO


  17. I was checking out of a Walmart while buying a vacuum. My phone started ringing, being a cell phone rep, I carried 2 phones in carriers on my waist. When I looked down, my one phone was calling the other. I did not have these numbers programmed in as i had no reason to call the other. I immediately sensed that it was my sister who had passed the week prior giving me her approval for finally buying a nice vacuum, something she had tried to convince me to do for a long time. There were numerous times that month when I was thinking about her that my phone would dial the other. The weird thing was the one that was calling didn’t show that it was calling at all. 6 Months later I was in the hospital, my dad left and told me to shut the TV off and get some rest, I didn’t, the channel then changed to the one that just has music and scenery, on it’s own. No matter what I did, it wouldn’t change, I called the nurse. Needless to say, it worked fine for the nurse. The nurse would leave, and back to that channel. Nurse came back, and the same thing happened as before. I knew it was my sister messing with it. I finally acknowledged it and said “okay, I’ll shut it off Terry” and the remote worked again. The next two days when my dad would walk into my room, the TV station would change on it’s own. Just my sister saying hi to my Dad, I guess.

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  18. My Aunt who was more of a Mom to me passed suddenly in January. I was a wreck and couldn’t stop crying one night and feeling guilty about a ring she had given me when I was little that I had pawned during a hard time (never told her) I pawned the ring 7 years ago. That night I had a dream that my phone rang and it was her. She told me heaven was beautiful and she was very happy. She said there were oceans everywhere, which made me happy because she loved the ocean. Before we hung up she said we’d talk again. The next morning I was so emotional with happy tears of course, and felt like I needed to go check if my ring was still at the pawn shop. I went to see and the lady said they never keep jewelry that long. But sure enough it was there. I broke down when I saw it and now its back on my finger. I know my aunt had something to do with it. But the dream was so real and I look forward to her next visit. ❤

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  19. Lisa, my name is also Lisa. A few months ago I too was receiving phone calls to my cell phone from my home phone. Mostly this happened when I was at work. No one was at home when these phone calls were made. One actually went to voicemail. I still have this. Several calls were made, the next to last on Nov. 3rd. The next day I was in a car accident. I feel that this was someone trying to warn me. I received one more call in Dec. My Dad died almost 17 years ago. I wish that I could say that the pain lessens with time but it does not. It will surprise you with its intensity and then seem to lay dormant for awhile. Only to come back with amazing swiftness and power.

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    • Wow, the calls just amaze me. I could not believe my eyes! I agree, I don’t think the pain of losing my Dad will ever go away. Thank you for sharing XO


  20. Thank you for your beautiful story.
    My father passed January 15, 1993. I miss him to this day!
    We had a unique relationship. My dad was a life filled man even to the day he passed. He was always the life of any party and a great joke/story teller. He would frequently call me in the middle of the night to just tell me a joke he recalled or to “practice” on me. I loved those calls! Even at 3:00 am I loved those calls! Sometimes I would return the favor and knew that he felt just the same.
    In the hospital where he died, no matter how bad he felt, he always tried to make other people laugh or smile and he never complained or felt sorry for himself. The day he left us, the hospital room was filled to overflowing with family, friends and hospital staff. Most of the hospital staff were not even on duty but knew dad was “going home” and wanted just to be with him. They were crying just as much as the family! By this point, dad could no longer talk..but he could write and make expressive faces. Just minutes before his body began to shut down, he grabbed his chalk board and lightened the mood with a joke.
    I was standing at the head of his bed and he looked at me. I bent over and whispered a joke in his ear and told him if he had to go now, it was ok and we would be alright. I said I’d keep telling his jokes. He nodded and closed his eyes for the last time.
    At his funeral, we passed pictures and told his jokes which shocked the funeral staff and minister … but seemed so natural to the rest of us. We had no sad music, just his favorite New Orleans Jazz. We wore colors … no all black and most of all, held no regrets.
    Since then, particularly when I am feeling down or really stressed, I find myself waking to a “dream” where dad has called me and just told me another joke (sometimes an old joke and sometimes one I’ve never heard before). I know it is him reaching out to me and reminding me that it will all be ok and that laughing, enjoying life, and loving & serving others is what is important in life. Hopefully, I will be just like my dad when my time comes.

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  21. Pingback: Finding Hope In Nature’s Signs | love is infinite

  22. A little over a year after my grandfather passed, I asked God to give me a sign that my grandpa was watching my graduation ceremony. In the car on the way to the ceremony, I found the ring he had given me for my birthday that I had misplaced months ago. It was sitting right at the top of my purse. It helps to know they still with us. ❤️

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  23. I got that call once two. It was about 6 months after my ex-husband died. Our daughter then was 14 years old and was having an extremely hard time with his death. On this day I was in my room resting. I might have been asleep and this was in my dream, but I know it was a visit from her father, Paul. I remember asking him why are you calling me? Telling him you can’t be calling me! He asked why can’t I call? I screamed, because you dead. I told him that he died on Sept 24, 2004, from unknown cause. I can still remember him asking me: “And you’re Okay with that”. I have never been okay with his death. A man at 47 years old doesn’t get up at 2:30 a.m, eat a bowl of cereal and go to bed and die. Because he died at home, I just knew we would get some answers, but instead he was cremated within 2 days, with many of unanswered question. Our divorce was not the greatest, neither was our marriage. But together we created a beautiful young woman, that still longs for answers. But I know he is with her in many ways.

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  24. Pingback: Heaven IS For Real…My Dad Told Me So | love is infinite

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